Trees that Count, New Zealand

Project Crimson Trust was established in 1990 to protect and restore pōhutukawa to New Zealand’s forests and coastlines. This tree also known as the “New Zealand Christmas Tree” is part of the myrtle family and is important within Maori mythology. Such was the success of that initial work, the mandate broadened and the organisation now champions the planting of all native tree species (there are more than 4,000 New Zealand native plants and animals that are threatened or at risk of extinction and in need of protection).

Through the programme Trees That Count, the team behind Project Crimson have committed to helping Kiwis plant millions more native trees, of all species, to fight climate change and strengthen ecosystems (tree planting is creating habitats for native birds and providing fruit, seeds and nectar that are valuable sources of food).

Ozone is delighted to be partnering Trees That Count, New Zealand in planting native trees. An initial 10,000 trees will be planted on 4 separate sites and we look forward to providing you with updates on these over the course of the coming years:

Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park

Kaipara Moana Remediation

Nga Tangata Tiaki – Mouri Turoa Project

Colville Harbour Care